Nice Surprises
I love surprises. The Lord always sends little ones along and today was one of those days.
I had taken Justin to the mission board to work today. I wanted to introduce myself to some of the staff there since I hadn't had a chance to do that yet. I had heard Justin talk about "Naomi" and he had mentioned something about a lady named "Sarah." But to my surprise, when I walked into the mission "Sarah" was Sarah Joyner that I had known when she was just a little girl. It was so nice to see her and she's just as sweet as she can be. I immediately knew who she was when I saw her but had to look at her name tag just the same. She looks just like her mother, that's how I knew who she was. She was my surprise today. And what a nice surprise that was!
Justin will be working at the mission board again tomorrow. Lord willing, I'll be able to snag some pictures of him if I don't forget my camera. He has a good bit of things to do tomorrow and then he'll be leaving on our church's family retreat to Tennessee Thursday morning. Our family is not going, but he is going as Mrs. Janet's son. He and Jeremy are going with the Poston family. I know they'll have a good time.
Jeremy is my adopted son. Of course, when I say my adopted son, I only mean that he's just one of my kids around here. When he and Justin were younger, people in our church actually thought Jeremy was my child and Justin was his friend. LOL Jeremy doesn't like it when I use "LOL." LOL
Anyway, here's a picture of my "son" and his new car. He's so excited.

Congratulations on your new car, Jeremy. If any kid deserves it, you do! Don't forget to buckle up and, PLEASE, DRIVE SAFE! We love you to pieces around here.