VBS 2007, Christmas In July
Monday morning we were busy in the hopes of a dust-free environment.
Harrison was busy with the lamp shades, the silk flowers around the house, and whatever else his little hands could find to do.

Hannah made cleaning water and washed the doors where our washer and dryer are, the front and back doors, and the walls above the cabinets in the kitchen. That was a big job, but it looked so good when she was finished. I wish I had taken before and after pics.

Justin went through the house and got the little dust bunnies that hung from the ceiling and also dusted our ceiling fans.

While we worked in the house, Bruce was working on my car. He was cleaning something that had clogged up with gunk. If you look at the smoke coming out of the tailpipe, that was when he had finished working and was burning all that stuff out of there. My car flies now!! Just the way I like it.

Bruce left for work, the kids and I put our cleaning supplies away, and we started getting ready for VBS 2007, Christmas in July.

If you haven't already guessed, our theme for Vacation Bible School this year is Christmas in July. I really like this theme. The look on the younger children's faces when they walked in and saw everything decorated for Christmas was so funny.

Happy faces all aglow in anticipation for the upcoming week.

We began with opening assembly, saying pledges to the flags and the Bible.

Then the puppets came out. The children always look forward to the puppets. They know the puppets will be there for VBS.

Brother Johnny had a wrapped box and inside that box was a special gift that everyone could share.....God's only begotten Son.

Pastor Goodman came out to welcome the children and open in prayer.

After our Bible lesson, we went outside for cookies, juice hugs, and the favor of the day.....THE CANDY GUN!!!!!!!

Even Moms were excited to see their babies scatter the grounds for candy.

Here you see the six cannon candy gun. That's a lot of candy!

And here they go! Killing each other for a tootsie roll....OH WHAT FUN!!!

Poor Alex in the wrong place....the candy is the other way. But don't you worry. This girl has attitude. She will get her fair share, for sure!

These are our puppeteers.

Closing Assmebly

And the girls won the penny war. But then it's only Monday....four days to go.

The highlight of the night was hearing that we had a six year old boy saved. That's what it's all about!
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