Thimble Thoughts: Our Newest Family Member and a Couple of Funnies

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Our Newest Family Member and a Couple of Funnies

Introducing the newest member of our family.....YOGI!

When Fudge died yesterday, Hannah's Grandpa immediately decided he was buying her another Guinea Pig. So she spent the night with her grandparents after church last night and this morning they had breakfast together at BoJangle's and off to PetSmart. She knew immediately which one she wanted.

She was really happy when they got home with him. She cleaned the cage really good, placed all fresh everything inside for Yogi and he seemed to really enjoy his new home. He's much more active than Fudge, which took me a little by surprise. AND he's a lot louder than Fudge. He chirps ALOT. It was really funny. Brother Randy and Mrs. Kellie, I think he may end up giving Squeaky a run for his money in the chirping when he gets a little older. LOL

He's really sweet and I think he'll be terribly spoiled by Hannah, as all of her other pets are!

Justin has been receiving Boy's Life Magazine for several years and every issue has cute little jokes in them. My favorite ones are always "Books Never Written." So here we go....

Books Never Written:

"April Fools" by Sirius Lee

"Pasta Sauces" by Al Fredo

"How to Build a Fire" by Matt Chess

"Redecorating" by Wallace Pretty

"Big Things" by Hugh Mongus

"Two Kinds of Bread" by Ryan Wheat

"Bicycles in Our Transportation Society" by Carson Trucks

"Peruvian Mammals" by Al Paca

"How to Keep Track of Days" by Cal N. Derr

"Who Likes Picnickers at the Beach" by C. Gull

"Blue Eyes, Brown Eyes" by Jenn Ettics

"Empty Church" by Dusty Pew

"Ancient Walls of the Bible" by Jerry Coe

"Guide to Healthy Gums" by Ginger Vitis

Bruce has taken the children to the park to, hopefully, fly a kite Harrison won in Patch last night,
and then off to walk a nearby nature trail. While they are gone, this is the perfect opportunity to clean the house. Have a great day, y'all!

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