Thimble Thoughts: Friday

Monday, April 02, 2007


Friday morning, four of us couples hopped the church van and decided we would rent some scooters to ride around Pigeon Forge. However, every place we came to that would rent scooters was either closed or shut down. We stopped at this particular place and look what was out front........unlocked!! Brother Greg is our driver for pretty much everything we do. So naturally, we just had to get his picture behind the driver's seat.

And of course, we just had to get in the back and see what it looked like. Can you believe this? I know that car had to seat thirty people. It was wild on the inside.

We never did find a place to rent scooters so Bruce and I suggested the old farm house we had visited the day before and a walk on the nature trail that we didn't get to walk. It turned out to be just as fun the second time. I love nature walks.

Brother Ted and Mrs. Rebecca
Brother Greg
Brother Joel and Mrs. Pam
Brother Joel being a nut
Brother Joel being nuttier

Bruce, Mrs. Janet, Brother Greg, Mrs. Rebecca, Brother Ted, Brother Joel, and Mrs. Pam in the loft of the barn.

We stopped on this little bridge and had our pictures taken.

Bruce and me
Mrs. Pam and Brother Joel....check out his insane eyes. LOL Scary, huh?
Mrs. Janet and Brother Greg
Brother Ted and Mrs. Rebecca

These little violets were everywhere. They were so pretty.
I can always find Brother Ted and Mrs. Rebecca snuggled up somewhere. LOL

This little hut was found alongside a creekbed. It was a corn house or something like that. LOL

Green moss was everywhere. Someone wanted me to take a picture of the little rock on the big rock. LOL it is. :)
This vegetation was all over the woods, but none of us knew exactly what it was. Any of you plant lovers know? Please tell us.

Bruce and me

After leaving the farm, we were ready for lunch. So we stopped at the Olive Garden. Not one of our favorite places, but Bruce discovered the soup, thanks to Brother Joel, and he enjoyed it very much.
Mrs. Janet being silly.
We left Olive Garden and headed back to the hotel. We took a little nap and rested before our first session. Even though, we all knew each other, Pastor Goodman wanted the men to stand up and introduce himself and his wife and to tell something unique about them. That was just funny. You never know what men are going to say.

Brother Chris introducing himself and his wife, Mrs. Amanda. Their unique thing about them is that there is twelve years between them.....she being the ___. I'll not tell.
Brother Ken introducing him and Mrs. Tammy.
Look at Brother Jeff and Mrs. Stephanie holding hands. Isn't that sweet?

After our session, which I'll blog the outline in my next post, we went to Damon's for supper. We passed the Miracle Theater, which is a new attraction to Pigeon Forge. It takes you from Christ's birth to His resurrection. We didn't go see this, but I'm sure we'll find out more about it for the next time we're up there. Anyway, these Centurion soldiers were riding by the road and I was able to snag a picture of them. This drama has many live animals. It looked really interesting. I wonder how close they stay to the Scripture.
Damon's was on top of hill overlooking a horse pasture. It was a beautiful view.

Mrs. Missy putting on mother like daughter. LOL She's my beautician, btw!

After supper, we all met at Fast Tracks Fun Park. That was a load of fun. There were all sorts of things to do there.
Here's me on a dragon...yee haw!

Pastor Goodman bought us all two tickets for go-karts. Thanks, Preacher!!! We had a ball.

The men were lined up and ready to go. That's Bruce in the back and Pastor there in the front.

This was funny. Brother Ken got turned around and was driving backwards. LOL Doesn't Bruce look mischevious here?
Mrs. Tammy and Mrs. Vondie rode the Sky Scraper. They strap you in, the gate falls, and off you go! They don't work up to high take off at high speed. It whirls you around and around and around and then stops at the top. They sat about 150 feet up in the air, looking out over the city, and then all the sudden there they go again. This time in the other direction. Here they are coming straight down at us.
Mrs. Vondie is a dare-devil and got off just a smiling....however, Mrs. Tammy looked as though she had glimpsed death. LOL This picture was taken at the very end of the they thought! Just as they were ready to get off, the man engineering this ride started it back up and off they went again. The look on Mrs. Tammy's face was HILARIOUS.
Mrs. Dana holding Mrs. Tammy's baby.
Brother Ted and Brother Ken decided they would chance the Sky Scraper also. Brother Ken (there in white) probably would have never gotten on, had it not been for the fact that he would not be shown up by his wife, Mrs. Tammy. LOL Poor Brother Ken...we were all sitting on a bleacher watching them ride and they would come right over the bleachers. Well, when they came face down we could see that Brother Ken's face was as white as his shirt. Someone in our group yelled, "He's gonna hurl!" Those of us on the bleachers cleared out like roaches when the lights come on.
After the fun park, we went back to the hotel conference room for games and prizes. Mrs. Dana and Mrs. Amanda both won $25 gift certificates to Wal Mart. They were pleased with those. We enjoyed hot and fresh Krispy Kreme doughnuts, some good fellowship, and off we went to our rooms. That was the end to our Friday.
