Thimble Thoughts: No More!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

No More!

No more pencilsPhotobucket no more booksPhotobucket
no more mama's dirty looks!Photobucket

School is out for this home school. I have to say that I am as happy as the children are. We're all ready for summer vacation.

I finished grading papers today. As a matter of fact, I took my books, my papers, calculator and pens and made myself at home at McDonald's while I worked and finished up. I felt funny sitting there with all my stuff scattered all over their table, but it was good and there weren't any distractions. So with everything completed, I can now retire my red pen for the summer.

Tomorrow we'll be packing up the books and putting them away for a later use.

Harrison's books will stay out. I feel like I should keep them out for him to keep his brain poppin' through the summer. But it will certainly be more relaxed than actual school hours. His reading has greatly improved. He seems to enjoy reading these days. Which makes me happy.

Hannah is focused on Puerto Rico these days. Now that school is out we'll be able to do some serious shopping for that trip.

Justin has several things going through his head these days. Not to mention he's turning 16 next week. AHHHHH!

So while we're enjoying our summer with the picnics, swimming, family get-to-gethers, church socials, and other extra curricular activities, I hope you're somewhere in your part of the world enjoying yours.
