When I was driving Justin to work this morning, there were a bunch of calves in a field and they were so cute. I mean, I've seen calves on numerous occasion, but never just calves only. So I just had to get a picture of them. There were a lot more, but I was driving when I took this picture.
Brother Cohen is doing a Veteran's Memorial Wall at our church so Bruce and I were trying to find some pictures to give him for that. We found one of his dad and uncle. They were in the Navy and had a portrait done together in their uniforms. It is a really good picture. We found one of my brother John, one of Bruce's brother Mitch, and one of Bruce too. There were a couple of pictures of Bruce, one in particular, that we thought about turning in. It was one of Bruce on deployment somewhere with his arctic wear on holding his rifle. It's kind of a comical picture, really, with the fuzzy hat and all. But we opted to go with the traditional portrait instead.
Jeremy is on his way over here right now to show Justin his new license and then I need to get ready for church. I'm glad I cooked that turkey yesterday. Supper was a breeze tonight and microwaves are a blessing!
We've had some really sporadic weather lately, but the cooler weather is settling in. I noticed these white stripes on the road today and kept wondering what they were from. Then on the way home from picking Justin up, we ended up behind the vehicle that blows the road with ice and I wondered no longer. Apparently the city of K---- M------- is gearing up for a snow storm that is supposed to hit us tomorrow. We'll see. We're usually disappointed in that area but this is the time of year that we get snow....IF we get snow, that is. So the kids are eager to see what happens. Me too.
Well......gotta go. Jeremy should be here any minute. Have a great night!
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