Thimble Thoughts: First Day of School

Monday, September 17, 2007

First Day of School

Today was our first day of school. Yes, a little late in the year for some people, we never start until after Labor Day and vacation.

It was a little different than any other first day of school we've had considering we no sooner got started until we put our pencils down and closed the books to go have breakfast at my mother in law's home. She fixed a real spread too. A classic southern style breakfast with scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy, bacon, liver mush, grits and of course....fried fatback! No good southerner cooks without it! It was a very good breakfast and we appreciated the time and effort she took to cook for us. Bruce's brother, Bryan, and his cabinet shop partner came too. They are so hilarious. We had a great time of fellowship as well as good food.

We all went home with full bellies ready to go back to sleep. Unfortunately, we did not have the luxury of doing that. It was back to hitting the books.

Justin is taking a computer course this year that is on CD-Rom. He has a Professor and everything. It's really neat. He also has another course that I'm interested in doing with him. It's called The Story of the Constitution. Also on CD-Rom. It covers The colonies struggle for their independence, how the nation was formed, the writing and ratifying of the constitution, and several other interesting topics.

Hannah has the Thomas Kincaid Drawing Basics on DVD with workbook that I know she's going to enjoy that this year. We're also studying maps and globes in depth this year.

As you know, Harrison has had trouble perfecting his reading skills. This year I decided to go with Saxon Phonics. Like his math, it takes a great deal of time with Saxon, but I have a lot of high hopes. The lesson seemed to flow nicely today and he was actually ready to move on to the next lesson.

So even with the two and a half hour breakfast break, our first day of school for the 2007/2008 school year was successful.

Only one hundred seventy-nine days to go.

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