Thimble Thoughts: ZZZZZZZZZZ's and Sunshine

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

ZZZZZZZZZZ's and Sunshine

So much for the early morning swim today! The menfolk seem to be snoozing it up this morning.


Justin and Harrison

I woke up this morning to a beautiful "SUNSHINE." My sweet Hannah. She's always been an early riser. She goes to bed when she's sleepy and she's up with the sun.

And then God blessed with another beautiful view as I stood on the balcony and enjoyed the warm morning breeze.
And if you've ever wondered why you shouldn't go to bed with wet hair, here's your answer!

You know we all like to share good deals that we find or hear of, well here's one for ya! I saw it advertised here at Walgreens that they are going to start selling computer ink cartridges for ten bucks!
TODAY ONLY you can take in your empty cartridge and they will refill it for free so you can try it out. So if you have an empty ink cartridge that you've been waiting to have filled, get it out and take it to a Walgreens near you. Call before you go to make sure they're having the promotion in your area.
