Thimble Thoughts: A New Choir Member

Sunday, September 09, 2007

A New Choir Member

We were able to visit daddy today after morning service. I have to say he sure is looking better. He was a little sick on his stomach again, but seemed to be able to get down a few bits of mom's pot roast, beans, and Mrs. Vicki's potato salad. He loves Mrs. Vicki's potato salad. She's one of our deacon's wives andwas very sweet to send him a bowl of it because she knows how much he loves it.

I didn't have my camera with me tonight, but this was Harrison's first time in the youth choir. He did really good. He was uncertain about it at first, but once he got up there and saw his mom at the back of the church cheering him on and waving at him as though he was the best thing since sliced bread, it made him feel more certain and he started singing. I had to get back to the nursery with the screaming little wee ones, so I don't know how he did after that. But what I was able to see and hear was good. I'm glad we have a church where our children are encouraged to serve.

We had an afterglow with the youth and their parents after church. Pizza and desserts were on the menu with a time of fellowship and a couple of announcements.

We'll be leaving for vacation tomorrow. I'll try to update with pictures and posts while we're gone. Hope you all have a GREAT week.....I know I am!

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