Thimble Thoughts: Oh Well....Maybe Tomorrow

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Oh Well....Maybe Tomorrow

I did not accomplish the things I had hoped to accomplish today. Mainly Hannah's chest of drawers and closet. Maybe I'll be able to do that tomorrow. Lord willing.

Harrison and I worked on a project today where he did a dot-to-dot of a lady bug and colored it. Then we cut out the ladybug and the flowers around it and he glued it to a large piece of black construction paper. Then Hannah generously gave us some magazines that she had been clinging to but not for future use....just rat packing....and he cut out all the bugs he could find in them and glued them around the ladybug. A bug collage of sorts. It turned out cute and he's looking forward to working on it a little bit more tomorrow. Then we sat and read from a book. I would read some and he would read some. It flowed pretty good and we'll be doing that daily to strengthen his reading.

Hannah didn't quite complete her Math from yesterday so she did that, we corrected it together, and then she completed her Math for today. This put her a little behind in time today, but she's been working really hard and seems to be back on track.

Justin turned in his Math for today. I need to go check it and see what WE need to work on. LOL Oh drudgery! Everything else he is excelling in. To be honest, Math isn't going that bad. It's just one of those things I would prefer to stick in the desk and just not bother with it, but I know I can't do that so I must continue on in the positives and negatives of algebra. No puns intended. LOL No worries either.....I have my brother's work number on speed dial. ;)

Hannah and Justin have both been learning about the Middle Ages this year and they are studying King Clovis, the Moors, Charles Martel who never became king of the Franks, his son Pepin III and HIS son CHARLAEMAGNE. It's been pretty interesting thus far. A lot of strong vocabulary to be learned, but they are soaking it in. I think Hannah is learning more on this subject since she has Justin to study with. I like that they can do this together.

Now I'm going to go do some phonics and Math with Harrison, grade the rest of Justin and Hannah's seat work and tackle some laundry.

Justin informed me that he has no pants for SIGMA tonight. Nothing like waiting to the last minute to tell me you need something washed. I just love that. *grinning sheepishly* Can you say "Oh well, hope your drawers are clean???" People who live in the south know that the word 'drawers' in that interrogative sentence does not mean a sliding, lidless, horizontal compartment, as in a piece of furniture, that may be drawn out in order to gain access to it. In the south, the word 'drawers' in that interrogative sentence means an undergarment, with legs, that covers the lower part of the body. LOL

OK, enough about that....must put laptop down. Must get back to work.

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