Thimble Thoughts: Hmmmm, What To Post About?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Hmmmm, What To Post About?

I probably could have post SOMETHING yesterday, but it was a dull day and nothing exciting was going on here.

We did our school work. Justin and I worked on more algebra. I'm glad I have a brother that loves numbers and equations. He has saved us the last couple of weeks. LOL Thanks, John!!!

I got the children started in school this morning and curled back up on the couch. I had dozed off for a few more moments of sleep and was awakened by my eldest who was tattling on his sister. Last year, we bought her a camera that also takes movies, records like a tape recorder, and also is an MP3 player. Well, she had gone outside in the woods for a Science project of tree bark rubbings, but not before she took her camera and recorded me snoring! Justin woke me up to tell on her. Of course this was all in fun and we were giggling about it. But when she came back in from outside, I pretended to still be asleep and Justin said, "Hannah, let me hear Mom snoring again?" I heard her giggle a mischievous giggle before hitting the play button. But this time, instead of the sound of deep breathing, she heard a recording of her Mother giving her a warning to never do that again. As she was listening, I peeked up over the couch and her little eyes wandered over to mine and we all started laughing.

I cleaned out the boy's closet today. What a mess! But it looks so much nicer and more organized now. I cleaned out Harrison's chest of drawers, putting away his summer clothes and replacing them with fall and winter ones. The weather is quite chilly in the mornings and evenings, but warms up a bit in the afternoon. It's that time of year when you're really not sure if you should wear long sleeves or not. So I just made sure he had enough variety in his drawers to get him through the next few weeks.

I'm hoping for a colder winter than last year. Last winter, the weather was "nice" all season. I don't recall more than just a few days of really brutal winter. Maybe that's a sign that this year is going to be really bad. LOL Let's hope not.

Tomorrow I will tackle Hannah's drawers and closet. I'm sure she'll be happy about that.

Right now, though, I am going to end this post, put my shoes on, and take Justin to the Howell's house to cut their yard while I check through their house and make sure everything is OK. I've received a couple of emails from them with pictures of them in New Zealand. They were working in VBS and the workers were all in costumes as though they were living in Jerusalem. Harrison was looking at the pictures with me and asked why they were dressed like that. I told him they were in costume for VBS and he said, "Oh! So, they went to New Zealand to work in VBS? Cool!" LOL

Hope y'all have a great day!