Thimble Thoughts: Contact Them!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Contact Them!

I had a friend of mine ask me Sunday to please stop sending her things on Wal Mart, it was tearing her husband up inside that Wal Mart had given up the true meaning of family. It should be tearing us all up inside. Our Pastor spoke Sunday morning on how it is time for confrontation. How we need to be standing for the cause of Christ and not giving up ground. AMEN to that! I agree whole heartedly.

Courtney, from Courtney's Contemplations, had a post on all sorts of contact information to let Wal Mart know how you really feel about this new stand they've taken with the Gay and Lesbian community. So with that in mind, click here to see how you can make your voices heard. And if you're not going to mark Wal Mart from your weekly or daily shopping spot, then please boycot them their Diversity Week, the week of October 9th - 13th.