Thimble Thoughts: They Came!!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

They Came!!

Well, it looks as if today is ending and tomorrow is already beginning. It's so exciting. I babysat Celine and Mary Elizabeth. When Bruce woke up this afternoon he did the bills and called about our supplies we ordered earlier this week for something we're doing to the house. They came!! He'll start the work tomorrow after he catches a few zzzzzzzz's. I won't say what we're doing because it's driving my mother crazy not knowing. She just can't stand it. That's funny. Love you, Mommy.

Justin was helping Brother Mike from church with moving some sheet rock to his unfinished room upstairs and then he and one of our college boys that helped, Brandon, went out to eat. Hi Brandon!

Celine's mother, Amanda, picked up Celine and then later we dropped Mary Elizabeth off at her Grandmother's home on our way to Hannah's piano lessons. We went to the bank to cash a check, dropped Hannah off at the church for lessons, went grocery shopping, picked Hannah up, got gas and came home...{sigh}... Put the groceries away, fixed supper (corndogs and french fries) and now I'm working on this blog. I'm going to bed as soon as Bruce leaves for work and then I'll be at mother's to clean her house at 6:30 am....hope she's up. : ) Then I'm having lunch with my sister Janet. You didn't know I had a sister? Well, I do. We're just alike only she's older. But don't tell her I said that. : ) After lunch I'll come home and see if Bruce needs my help. If not, then Hannah and Harrison and I will be going somewhere to hear our Pastor preach. I have no idea where he'll be but I'll find out from my sister tomorrow. She should know, she's our church secretary.

Well, hope you all have a great day. I know I will. And behave!
