Thimble Thoughts: Pictures

Monday, March 06, 2006


Here is the picture of Justin I deleted. This was taken at his Valentine Fellowship at church. The theme was western and he is standing at the O K Corral. Isn't he handsome??

These are the shutters that Bruce made for our bedroom windows back in the fall. Didn't he do a good job?

And here is Hannah's basketball picture that I deleted. She is playing Upwards Basketball this year. She's had a really wonderful time playing. Her last game is this coming Saturday, March 11. The stars you see on her sleeve is something they give the players to wear as a reward for different things. She has all 8 of her Bible verse stars, two for best defense, one sportsmanship, one best offense, one best effort, and two most Christ-like. So I would say she's doing pretty good. Wouldn't you?

Well, I have no thoughts for my thimble right now so I'm going to leave. And as the conductor said as he left his orchestra............I'll be Bach. Hehehe, get it? Bach??
