Thimble Thoughts: He's BACK!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

He's BACK!

My baby boy is back. He had a wonderful time at Brother Hutson's church. He heard three preachers, two that he had never seen or heard before and can't remember their names. And Brother Joe Arthur was there. We like him a lot. He preached our revival this year and he was there at the rally and preached. They had a youth choir that sang one of Justin's favorite songs, God Handled It All. He was able to get it on his video camera.

OH! Those of you who know Justin know that any time he visits the great state of Tennessee he always leaves something behind. There was the time he left his Bible, luggage, pillow and sleeping bag at Brother Sexton's camp and didn't even realize he had left it until they had gotten home and unpacked the van. Then there was the time we went to sing with our choir in Elizabethtown, TN and he left his dress shoes under the bed at the hotel. But he said he was going to break the curse this time. And do you know what? HE DID!! He brought everything back. Way to go, son!

Bruce and I delivered an armoire that he had refinished for Sister O'Malley. She and her husband work at World Wide Baptist Missions and are members of our church. Sweet family. Anyway, she was so pleased with the finished product. I love being part of something that makes someone else so happy.

We did a little more window shopping today and were satisfied with some things we saw. Then it was off to Hannah's final game. Her sweet little eyes were so sad. She played very aggressively today. Even more so than last week.

We went to the church following the game so Bruce could practice with the Vintage Faith Group. They have a few new songs they're working on. Sounded good, boys!!

We ate supper at Fatz tonight and walked around Wal Mart to kill some time before having to pick Justin up. I bought a new Beverly Lewis book. It's called The Preacher's Daughter. I'm looking forward to reading that. I think I'll read a chapter tonight before going to bed. Which I'm going to do now. Hope you have a great Sunday!
