Thimble Thoughts: Things Change

Friday, March 10, 2006

Things Change

Today was HORRIBLE. I was so exhausted when I got in bed last night that I was physically sick. I crawled in bed around 3:30 AM and Justin was up and ready to go by 7:00 even though he didn't have to be at the church until 8:15. I was still feeling nauseous so I stopped and bought a coke on the way to the church. After getting Justin off safely I came home and rested on the couch for a couple of hours until the nausea passed. I cleaned the kitchen and mopped my floor while Harrison played with the cats on the front porch. He came in, dirty feet and all, and walked on my freshly mopped kitchen floor. Little black foot prints made a path straight to the cookie jar. So I mopped the floor again. While it was still wet, I found another set of black foot prints that made it's path to the trash can. Again I mopped....And fussed. I had a conference with one of my students concerning some unfinished Language work and threatened summer school. That went over well. Then I cleaned the hamster's cage. We have a sweet little hamster by the name of Peanut. I had Hannah hold him while I took his cage apart. I held the bottom of the cage over the trash can and heard a spattering noise. Then I felt something on my bare feet. I looked down and there was hamster urine pouring all over the floor, my feet and my clothes. I'm a total germ freak and wanted to cry, but Harrison was laughing so hard that I couldn't. I had never seen Harrison laugh that hard in his life. He was red as a beet and water was squirting out of his eyes and he was saying, "Oh, I can't wait to tell Justin!!" Cute huh? Daddy was feeling very sick after his dialysis treatment so I told him I would take Harrison with me and Hannah to the park and we would catch up with him later when he was feeling better. So off we went! I thought it would be nice to stop at a convenience store and get us each a big fountain drink. The weather was very warm today and I knew those drinks would be good when the kids got thirsty. So off we went to the park, with our drinks. As soon as we got to the park I put my drink on the top of the car and was helping Harrison out of his car seat when I heard something....It was my drink. It had fallen off the car and there was wild cherry Pepsi and ice all over the pavement. I was just happy that I had some ice left in the cup. So we made it to the picnic table where all my friends were and I put my cup on the table just in time for a nice gust of wind to come up from no where and blow it off the table spilling the rest of my ice all over the seat where I was supposed to be sitting. I was able to salvage a small section of the bench to sit on and was then bitten by an ant on the top of my foot while sand was blown into my eyes. The duration of the park trip was nice. The kids had a ball riding the train and the carousel at the Shelby City Park. Alas, the good times had to end and we were off on our way home. I decided to take the back roads to skip all the lights on 74, but guess what? School had just let out and I got trapped behind a school bus that stopped about every five houses on a road that seemed to have 872 houses. When I made it back on the main road I still got stopped by every stop light. I was so happy to get home and see my hubby sitting in his recliner reading. Shortly thereafter, my dad pulled up to get Hannah and Harrison to spend the night and Bruce and I went out to do some window shopping and had supper at Taco Bell. So we still had our date after all and that was the great part of my day. But the perfect ending of the day is when we returned home. There was a message on the machine from Bruce's boss man that said he did NOT have to come into work tonight. So we had the entire evening to ourselves and I wasn't alone. Isn't that nice?

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
