Thimble Thoughts: And the verdict is...No cavities!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

And the verdict is...No cavities!

Harrison had a dental visit today. They don't allow parents to go back with their children but they were kind enough to take a picture for me. Wasn't that nice? This is Patch the Pirate night and he's excited about telling his fellow pirates all about his goodie bag and that he is cavity free. Because he is cavity free, he was given a gift certificate to Ham's Family Restaurant for a free meal. He was pleased with that but I think he liked his new toothbrush the best. He's been brushing ever since he returned home. Roger Miller in Kings Mountain is our Dentist. He's excellent with children and his motto is "We cater to cowards." That's why I chose him for our dentist....because I'm a coward. Thank you, Dr. Miller for keeping our teeth looking good!
