Thimble Thoughts: Oops!

Saturday, March 04, 2006


If you've been on my blog before and you scroll down a bit you'll notice that the pictures of my two older children are gone. That's because I accidentally delteded that particular post. Now wasn't that smart? Now eBlooger doesn't want to participate with me and so I'll have to try putting their pictures on again some time next week.

Hannah had a game today. She did good. She was very aggressive today. Bruce and I were proud of her. She got another Christ-like star for her shirt. That's because in the middle of a game if she knocks someone on the other team down or elbows them or whatever, she'll always stop to make sure they're not hurt or she'll yell over her shoulder as she's running down the court, "I'm sorry!!" She's so funny. Her games are always a lot of fun. Maw Maw and Paw Paw Birt are always there cheering her and the other girls on....ESPECIALLY Maw Maw Birt. Thanks, Maw Maw, for your loud and boisterous encouragement. :)

Justin and Hannah went to the Rest Home Ministry this evening with my parents. Hannah played Faith of Our Fathers on the piano and Justin did a duet on his harmonica with his Grandma playing piano. But he can't remember what the song was. Oh well. It was a good one, I'm sure.

Well, I'm closing my computer and probably won't reopen it again until Sunday night. See you then!