Thimble Thoughts: Guess What I Did Today!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Guess What I Did Today!

Nothing spectacular. :) It was just a very busy day.
Bruce and I got up and headed to Belk to make an exchange on a pair of pants mom got him for his birthday. Fortunately they had the same pair and we were able to make an even exchange and get out without any hassle. So that was great.

When we got home I was feeling a little tired so I laid down for about an hour or so before getting up to make lunch. I fried cheeseburgers, a favorite of my family....except Harrison. He doesn't do meat. His burgers consist of a hamburger bun with a slice of cheese on it.

When Bruce left for work, I started on a Gingerbread centerpiece that will be completed tomorrow at our Homeschool Co-op. If it turns out pretty, I'll post a picture of it.

Justin and I fixed our Christmas tree from falling over. We thought the cat was getting in the tree causing it to lean. But when we started working on standing it up, we discovered that it was not completely in the stand. We were happy to get that fixed and the tree is now standing straight as a....well....tree.

Then I whipped up a cake from scratch. It turned out pretty good too!

We cleaned up a little bit before making it to orchestra practice.
This is Susan. She's the orchestra director's wife.


Spencer on Saxophone, Justin on trumpet, and Gary on doghouse bass.

Betsy and Donna were dressed in red shirts with a single Christmas emblem on them and denim skirts. I asked if they had planned it, but they said no. Great minds think alike, I guess. That's Brother Bill behind them. He's a character.

After orchestra practice, we headed down to SIGMA. Left to right is Hannah, Jessie, and Cassie.

Mary Grace was in SIGMA with us tonight. She was licking her daddy's face. Isn't she cute?
We went to Wal Mart after church to get some pictures developed of India that I snagged from the Internet. But they had just stopped developing for the night. So now I have to go early in the morning to pick them up. I hope we're not late for Co-op.

When we got home I had several things to do to prepare for our International Day tomorrow at our Homeschool Co-op. The first thing I did was to icing and decorate the cake. One mom brings a birthday cake each month for the children celebrating birthdays and December is my month. Since it's Jesus' birthday this month too, I used a nativity, of course!

I also prepared two things to take for our International Dinner while the children painted this flag of India, which is the country they chose for tomorrow. Didn't they do a great job?

Lord willing, if we get our pictures back, they'll be placed on the flag for the display.
The two things I'm taking is a rice and meat dish with a dark gravy mixed in. The other is India's version of a toasted cheese sandwhich, which is a basic french loaf (ha) sliced into pieces with a slice of sharp cheddar cheese on top of them and a very thin slice of tomato to top it off, then toasted in the oven.

So anyway, that's what I did today. And now, I'm going sleepy-time.

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