Thimble Thoughts: December 1, 2007

Sunday, December 02, 2007

December 1, 2007

What a day! And a great one it was!

Our church was on family retreat in the mountains this weekend. Obviously, we didn't go. I knew there would be a lot of our bus workers gone on the retreat, so the kids and I got up and went to bus ministry. It was so much fun. We had a blast. It was good being in the midst of the little ones, hugging them and loving them to Jesus. What sweeties they are!


This is Brother Crotts. He's one of the new comers to working in the bus ministry.


After bus ministry, we came home and rested a little bit before leaving for Rest Home ministry.

They had a very pretty tree decorated and set up in the sitting room.

It wasn't long and our people from church began gathering for the meeting.

Mrs. Catfish, as we call her.

And her sister Bullet. There's a reason for these knicknames. I'll explain them later.

Daddy was in mid-sentence when I snapped this one. Looks like he's trying to pucker. LOL

Mrs. Massmore is here in one of her many hats. You can read about her hats here. You really need to read her story if you haven't done that. It's cute as to why she wears hats all the time. She is a member of our church and a resident here at this particular home.

This lady never wants me to take her picture, but she said I could this time.

Brother Lipsey made it to meetin'!

As the residents piled in, young Brandon passed out a small gift for everyone in attendance. The residents thought that was sweet.

He gave each of us a little nativity. He didn't know I collected them.

Mom and Bruce played a couple of songs to get us started while we waited for Brother Mark to show up.

Daddy preached on the Shining Light and we heard a couple of testimonies from people of when they first "saw the Light." That was a blessing.
Justin and Hannah were at a Sweet 16 party for a young lady in our church. This party was held, once again, at the home of Mike and Susan. Same home where the Christmas shower was and where I took pics of three of their five Christmas trees.
Here is tree #4. This tree is upstairs in the game room.

Susan is a Hospice nurse and escaped to the porch to do some paper work and phone work on a patient. She's sitting outside of her bedroom where in the window you can vaguely see tree #5.

But guess what.....since the shower, tree #6 has made its way into their home, gracing the staircase to the gameroom. This is the Candy Cane tree. Lovely, yes?

The birthday gril was Monica and she was here and there and everywhere and I never did get a picture of any of the kids. But I can tell you, there were lots that showed up. My Justin and Jeremy were actually leaving when we were walking in. They were spending the night at Jeremy's grandparent's home.
Tomorrow will be another busy day. So, stay tuned! They'll be lots of pics and stories this month!
When I was in the second grade, my mother was in a very serious car accident that nearly took her life. Daddy was testifying about when someone, he didn't even know who, had come and taken us kids to watch over us while he was with mom. He had come home from the hospital and was in the house alone praying when he felt the Hand of God.

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