Thimble Thoughts: What's On The Menu?

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What's On The Menu?

Most people think that if you homeschool you still have time to whip up a fabulous six-course meal for supper. All I have to say to that is Hehehehehahhahahahahehehehehe HA!

I'm all for easy meals during the week, ESPECIALLY on Wednesdays since we have to be at the church at 6:00 so Hannah and Justin can make it to orchestra practice.

So today, our meal is coming from every homeschooler's favorite kitchen help, the crockpot. We're having meatball subs with motzerella slices and salad from a bag.

Nothing tastes better than my mother's homemade meatballs!! But since I don't have time during the day to do that, I use the bag of frozen meatballs from Wal Mart.

Just drop them in the crockpot with your favorite vegetable juice poured over top and let them stew for a couple of hours. Viola! They're done.

Slap 'em on a sub roll with motzerella slices or your favorite cheeses and there you have it. Delicious meatball subs the whole family will enjoy.

And by the way, this one recipe works for larger families too. Our family of five will eat on this for two meals and Bruce will get a couple of lunches out of it.

For smaller families, it freezes well. Freeze your family portions in freezer bags for when you're ready to pull them out in a hurry or just because you want them for supper.

AND!!! This is a great HIT meal. (Homemaker In Training.) It's fast and easy and they'll feel they've made a contribution to the family.

So whether you're a homeschooler or a mom that works outside the home, what is your favorite easy meal?
