Thimble Thoughts: Blessings and Reading Aloud

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Blessings and Reading Aloud

Tonight in SIGMA, Jeremy brought the devotional. He did a most excellent job! He was very prepared and had lots of scripture to back up his devotional. It was inspiring and such an encouragement for me to see and hear him tonight. I was really proud of him. He said he was nervous, but you couldn't tell it.

Jeremy, if you're reading this, I'm so proud of you! It blesses me to see how you're allowing the Lord to use you.

After the devotional, we went out for a game of Battleship. Do y'all remember that game? Well, this one was a little different....Brother RJ had the Pi Gamma Eagles on one side and the Nu Delta Fishermen on the other. They were separated by a large tarp so they couldn't see the other side.

The object of the game was for one team to throw the ball over the net in hopes of hitting someone on the other side. Hit or miss, the other side then took their turn. You had to remain in your spot and if you were hit by the ball, you were automatically out. This continues until the teams have everyone out or you run out of time and you have one team that scores the most points. It was a really fun game. I liked this one.

These are some of the Nu Delta Fishermen. You can see my little Hannah there in the middle. She's wearing the brown shirt with blue and red flowers on it.

These are some of the Pi Gamma Eagles. This is the team Bruce and I sponsor. You can see their strategy was different than the Fishermen as they had no one in the middle.

This is Tyler. He's on our team. He has volunteered to construct the mountain we need for our RUSH night. That way all we have to do is decorate it!

This is Crystal. She is also on our team and the lead singer in the bluegrass group I sing in. She also sings in another bluegrass group with Mrs. Dana, one of the other sponsors.

I guess you're never too old to swing! That's LeAnna out front and Chelsea in the back. Ethan and Tyler are standing and I'm not sure which boy that is upside down. lol

Nathan Boone, one of our high school graduates from last year, came down to SIGMA to give a sermon. I was just so blessed by this boy. I know his mother is bubbling over. He was saved at camp this year and he's been praying about what the Lord wants out of his life. He announced to the group tonight that he'll be leaving in January to Golden State Baptist College in California, Lord willing, this January, to major in music. This college is the same college where "little" John O' is currently attending. He was sort of worried about the cost and found out he already qualifies for a $500 scholorship. It was a blessing to him and his mom told him she would match whatever he saved from working until January. I can't wait to see what is in store for Nathan. He has come so far! We love him and are so proud of him!!

I like to read aloud to the kids and they seem to enjoy it, although I have not read aloud to them all in quite some time. So tonight when we got home, we started reading The Life of George Washington by Mary Williamson.

We got this book free for ordering so much from Christian Liberty Press. After thinking about it, we ordered so much, I could have split the order and received three free books. But I don't suppose that would be honest. And after all, we ARE reading about George Washington. A man who is said to have always spoken the truth. This has been made abundantly clear in just the first chapter.

Let me share something we read from tonight.....

While still at school, he collected and transcribed fifty-four rules of etiquette which govern in good society. A few of the best rules of behavior compiled by young George were as follows: They listed seven, but I'm only going to leave you with one, although they were all good.

#28 If you care to develop a good name and reputation, be sure to choose companions that have godly character; for it is better to be alone than in bad company.

OK, I changed my mind. I'm going to give you one more. :)

#33 Do not envy the blessings of others, God gives to all that honor Him more than they deserve.

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