Thimble Thoughts: Yes, Two New Blogs!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Yes, Two New Blogs!

I've just come from reading an email inviting me to visit my cousin Angela's new blog. She is currently living in Alaska, wife to Art, and the mother of four great kids, one of which is serving in our Armed Forces! Please go by and give her a hearty welcome to the blogsphere. I know she'd appreciate it. OK?

The A-Team Adventures

The second blog belongs to Josh! He's the dad of little Jackie that I requested prayer for a while back. Yep, he's joined the blogsphere and you can see pictures of the little one you've been praying for. I know it would be a blessing if you stopped in and left an encouraging word. Jackie is still in a gray area concerning her health. I know it would mean a lot to both Josh and Beth if you stopped by.

God's Gifts

No such luck getting to a doctor today. My doctor is out of town and his partner was swamped and can't see me until tomorrow. :( Bruce went out and bought a gallon of orange juice. He forced almost the whole gallon on me since he REALLY believes in Vitamin C. Truth is, we both do. But for some reason it's not really helping me. I've been sick with this thing since before leaving for Six Flags. Obviously I've let it go too long. Yes, mother, I'm admitting I let it go too long. Please no comments about that, thank you and I love you! :)

I made meatballs for meatball and provolone cheese subs and fries. Well actually, the meatballs were already fully cooked. I just opened the bag and dumped them in the pot with V-8 juice. Bruce was more than thrilled. Usually the only time he gets meatball subs is when my mother has all the fixins for them at Christmas. But then she also makes her meatballs and they are always superb. I must admit that the ones we had today were really good also.

I've been cooking lunch instead of supper since Bruce went to second shift. That way we still have a meal as a family together. I like doing it that way. First of all, we have a meal together, and secondly it frees up the evening for other things.


I was thinking today that we as Christians have a tendency to cut each other down and hurt each other for different reasons. Most of the time it's pure jealousy. I've seen several instances in the last few days where "Christian A" has tried to hurt "Christian B." But God turns it around and uses it for His glory. I suppose I'm telling you this to say that if you are "Christian A," don't let the devil use you to destroy other ministries because He will turn your spite and jealousy into something good for His name's sake. And if you are "Christian B" remember that "...a soft answer turneth away wrath" and God is ALWAYS in control!

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