Thimble Thoughts: Oh Well

Friday, July 06, 2007

Oh Well

Looks like the only ones having trouble with blogger are me and Sis Julie and our problems are similar, but still different. I hope it fixes itself in the next few days. The pop-ups are driving me insane. I really do dislike those!!

I think I'm coming down with this summer flu people are getting. Today I've had a sore throat, sinus headache, and I'm pretty sure I've run a fever today. I literally laid around all day. The kids played outside most of the day so I stayed on the couch in absolute quiet. My body was cold and my face was hot and I felt ICKY!

I needed to go grocery shopping this evening and since Wal Mart is right there at Catos, and I did have a gift card, and Catos was having a sale....well....I dropped in there to see what I could find. I really didn't feel like shopping and broke out in a sweat in the dressing room, but I did find a cute outfit and I'll feel better when I actually get to wear it. I needed a new denim skirt and this one was perfect!

I never buy shoes......not a shoe girl. But I really liked these and got 'em. With my bad ankle I try not to wear heels, but these felt OK when I tried them on. Aren't they cute? I just love Catos!

While we were at Catos, Hannah found a pair of sandals on the clearance rack and a little jacket for three bucks she can save for this fall. It's really cute.

We ran into my friend Kelly and her daughter from church at Catos and she invited us to go eat with her. But I was just feeling too sick to go and had to get my groceries anyway.

So on to Wal Mart we went. We bought Celine a birthday present for her party tomorrow and Hannah found another pair of sandals. Now, she IS a shoe girl. LOL

Now I'm sitting here thinking how nice it would be to just slip into my jammers and curl up with my feather pillows and sleep, sleep, sleep, after a nice big dose or two of NyQuil. LOL I'm kidding, people!! *wink*