Thimble Thoughts: Happy 4th of July!!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July!!

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We spent last night at Brian and Amy's home with other members from our Sunday School class. We had a really good time there.
Here we are in the kitchen ready to pray and eat.
I posted these pictures small. But you can click on them to enlarge them.

Amy is the one by the window with the long and beautiful black hair.

This is Brother Brian and their son Cameron

Ken and Abigale

Diggin' in!

Can you do this??? Go, Abby! Go!!!


The kids stayed busy and played wonderfully fights or mishaps...that I know of.

Playing Chinese Writing

Duh...Ted and Rebecca...snuggling...AGAIN!!!

Joel and Pam

Joel's shirt. Just click on the pic to read what it says.

Brother Ken had Harrison in a cobra death grip. Poor little guy. It wasn't long after this picture that Harrison whopped him in the head with the broom handle. Sounded like a ripe watermelon. LOL

This ugly thing was crawling on Jamie C when he came in from outside. EWWW!!

After it got dark, we headed outside for a few fireworks. The kids were thrilled to have the sparklers and Pam and I enjoyed the sulfur smell that lingered in the air. LOL

Now, I know Ken and Joel were involved in the fireworks, but mom, I promise, this is NOT the blaze it appears to be. Your grandchildren were quite safe. :)

They were actually holding several sparklers together and this is how it showed up on my camera. Scary looking, huh?

And no, although it appears that Nicole's little head is on fire, she too is simply holding her sparkler. LOL Isn't that a funny picture? Oh, we had planned on "tellin' a big one" to my mom, but I don't know her heart could take it. LOL

This is Harrison immitating me after one firework got loose and scared me to death. You can see that video by clicking here.

Harrison's sparkler

Cameron's sparkler. That little booger chased me around the porch with it. It finally died out before he got me. What was funny is that you could tell he was enjoying his little terror session. LOL

Check out that smoke. Lots and lots of smoke. *cough*

Thanks, Brian and Amy, for opening up your home. It was so much fun!!!

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