Thimble Thoughts: Bus Ministry Water Day 2007

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Bus Ministry Water Day 2007

The bus ministry annual water day was this Saturday. All of the children were so excited and ready to play in the water.
While the busses were running, the worker's children were playing in the nursery.

Sweet Alanna...she's Meghan's little girl

Celine...she was the most excited that day. After bus ministry we would have a party for her birthday! WOO HOO!!


I love this picture of Naomi looking through the tube.

Carissa and Hannah

Cutie pie, Joseph...Meghan's youngest....for now. HA!

The smallest water slide is up and ready

The water guns are ready to be loaded

Our homemade slide is ready to be slid on

Katherine, Nicole, and Cheyenne wait in one of the classrooms for the busses to arrive.

Bradley is one of our Crown College boys. He's a former member of the Sons of Faith and a very fine young man. Bruce and I think a lot of Bradley.

Justin, "Todd," and Justin C waiting on the busses

The BIG slide arrived while we were having Sunday school. The children could hardly contain themselves when they started blowing it up.

After their Sunday school lesson, they were fed pizza and released into the wet n' wild.

Clayton fixing one of the noodles that came loose. Clayton is the son of Greg and Janet and great at fixing things.

Killing each other to get up the ladder for the slide. LOL

Filling up the water guns

Bruce already had his filled and was squirting the kids while they filled up.

Naomi, very wet!

She decided to go down the homemade slide. The little slide was oiled up with baby oil and water. SWOOSH!

Brother Chris and Brother Ken


Haili, Meghan's oldest. I think her face says it all about the slide. Don't you?

Brother Chris and Carissa

LOL Amanda and Pam

Some of the children enjoyed swinging in between running from slide to slide.

Fun times over! Here they are gathering their socks, shoes, and other belongings.

Hannah taking one last trek down the homemade slide


Amanda and Carissa

Celine found some handcuffs in the bathroom. We have no idea where they came from.

Once the bus kids were delivered safe and sound back to their homes, we all gathered back at the fellowship building for Celine's birthday party. Her grandparents and other family showed up too.

The Birthday girl!!!

Her cousin

Another cousin

Her Aunt and Carissa

Celine opening the baby we got her

We had a really good day and made lots of memories. Not to mention five souls saved!!! The devil tried to upset the day but God used Brother Daniel's message to bring five more souls to Him. You just can't beat that!
