Thimble Thoughts: A Bang of A Fourth!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

A Bang of A Fourth!

The fourth was spent with family and that order.
We started the day at my brother's home. This is Justin doing a flip off the diving board.

Bruce doing a flip off the board

Daddy had just been to dialysis. He wasn't feeling well and ended up leaving early to go home and rest.


The drinks

The food

The Paw Paw

After our cookout and dip in the pool, we came home. While I took a nap, Bruce took the kids to see their Grandmother. When they came home from there, we got ready and went to church. Brother RJ preached because our Pastor and Mrs. Ava are in Hawaii for vacation. It was so good. Brother RJ always does a good job.
After church, we went to Brother Ted and Rebecca's home to watch fireworks. From their driveway, the view overlooks several counties. So we saw fireworks from all over the place. While we waited for the displays to begin, we did what we know.....fellowshipped!

This is Joseph


Meghan and her son, Joseph. By the way, this is Meghan from "God's Little Blessings." New to the blogworld. So if you haven't said hello to her yet, click on over there and say hello. :) Also, she probably has her pictures up from last night too. If not, she will soon.



Brother Joel with Joseph.

Brother Ken and Brother Daniel played chess.

Brother Ted and Bruce

Mrs. Shirley and Rebecca prepared the can't have fellowship without food. Baptists can't anyway. LOL

After the food was prepared, we fixed plates and grabbed drinks to take outside to watch the fireworks.

Rebecca spotted one!!!!

Meghan was laughing at something...don't know what...but it must have been funny. lol


Tammy, Bruce and Hannah

Brother Daniel and Brother, Daniel isn't sleeping. I think it was the flash.

Naomi being silly.

We had a really good time at Brother Ted and Rebecca's. All in all we had a bang of a fourth.
Hope you did too!!
