Thimble Thoughts: The Original White House Cook Book

Monday, July 09, 2007

The Original White House Cook Book

This is an old post I found this evening and thought I'd repost it.

A few years ago, my Mother gave me a coffee table book called The Original White House Cook Book. It's a nice thick book and though it has no real SET recipes, it is loaded with the kitchen history of the White House and little tid bits to make life easier and more pleasant "back in the day."

I thought some of these things were interesting and thought you would too. For instance, I like to use Infusium on my hair. Just run to Wal Mart, pick up a bottle, and head on home. But "back in the day" they would make their own hair wash:

One penny worth of borax, half a pint of olive oil, one pint of boiling water. Pour the boiling water over the borax and oil; let it cool; then put the mixture into a bottle. Shake it before using, and apply it with a flannel. Camphor and borax, dissolved in boiling water and left to cool, make a very good wash for the hair; as also does rosemary water mixed with a littel borax. After using any of these washes, when the hair becomes thoroughly dry, a little pomatum or oil sould be rubbed in to make it smooth and glossy--that is, if one prefers oil on the hair.I'm assuming this is when the excuse of "I'm washing my hair that night" came into existance. What do you think?

And here is why Mary Kay does so well on their facial products. Imagine having to make this complexion wash to clean your face:

Put in a vial, one drachm of benzoin gum in powder, one drachm nutmeg oil, six drops of orange-blossom tea, or apple blossoms, put in half pint of rain-water and boiled down to one teaspoonful and strained, one pint of sherry wine. Bathe the face morning and night; will remove all flesh worms and freckles, and give a beautiful complexion. Or, put one ounce of powdered gum of benzoin in a pint of whiskey; to use, put in water in wash-bowl till it is milky, allowing it to dry without wiping. This is perfectly harmless.Cream cures sun-burn onsome complexions, lemon juice is best on others, and cold water suits still others best.

Flesh worms? EWW! Is there anyone that can explain that one?
