Thimble Thoughts: SURPRISE!!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Last night I mentioned that I had plans to go out with my friend, Susan, tonight. The truth was that tonight we had a surprise shower for her. She's the one who just started fostering. It was so nice. She really was surprised and I think she had a good time. I know I did. There were a lot of laughs and storytelling and that always makes for a fun time. Here are my pictures!

Pam fixing sandwiches

Pretty cake that Sis Kim Lee brought


Susan and her foster daughter

LtoR Sisters Tina, Susan, Liz and Janet

LtoR, little Sisters Kendra, Hannah, Taylor and Sis Tammy

Sis Janet

Sis Susan and baby

Sis Tina

Sis Liz feeding the baby and Sis Kim

Susan reading my card and Kendra with the big grin

Pretty pink dress

Doggie jammies

Pastor's wife, Sis Ava

Associate Pastor's wife, Sis Vondie, Jennifer and Taylor

Jennifer and Taylor

Pretty white outfit

Reading a card

Baby goodies

Reading another card

Showing the card Kendra made her

Child Dishes

Sis Tammy and Sis Kim

Well, ain't that just lovely?

Sis Ava and Sis Tammy S.

Sis Pam

Baby sleeps. Awwwwwwww
