Thimble Thoughts: WHAT A MORNING....

Saturday, April 01, 2006


...And it ain't even noon yet!!

Justin, as some of you know, twisted his knee on one of the SIGMA trips last year. Well! Playing basketball last night at the all nighter, he jumped up to throw the ball in the hoop and when he came back down he twisted his knee again and is having trouble walking. That was nice to see when I picked him up this morning. SO THEN we left to pick Hannah up from her all night sleepover...

She was no where to be seen when I got there and Mrs. Susan took me aside to tell me that she had busted her nose last night and this is what greeted me at the door....

She's all right. Just really tender and sore. I was kind of upset that no one called me to let me know about my children being hurt, but I guess they had it covered. Anyway....

April Fools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one was hurt. Hannah is wearing makeup and Justin didn't hurt his knee. But I just had to do that for this special day. :)

