Thimble Thoughts: What Does Your Dress Say About You?

Monday, April 03, 2006

What Does Your Dress Say About You?

Hannah and I went shopping for her Easter outfit today. That was a lot of fun. We found a beautiful white gypsy style skirt with a pattern of pink flowers and greenery. But the pattern is not all over the skirt. Just every now and then. The tail of the skirt flows when she walks. That was my favorite part of the skirt. The top we found is a light olive green button up with quarter length sleeves that matches the green in the skirt and ties in the back. It's very simple, but pretty and MODEST!!! I was so disgusted with the clothes we saw today. Everything was hoochie looking. I remember when my mother would take me shopping for a dress and there were dozens of modest things to choose from. I had to buy Hannah's outfit in the junior department today because there were no clothes that would look decent on her in her actual size. They cut everything so tight and high. And although I never shop at the "big name" stores like Belk, Dillards, etc. I decided I would try those stores today because I just knew they'd have something. But NOTHING! Everything was geared to showing off the arms, the CHEST and back and we even picked up a skirt with a hole where the belly button would be. I told Hannah they must have put that there to show off a belly piercing. The skirt was really pretty, but the hole threw me off. It's sad when you have to spend all day shopping, not for something you like, but for something that is modest. OK, enough about that....I could go on and on, but I'll spare you. We found a pair of sandals the color of the shirt and a sequined pocket book to match. So she's set and ready to go. I told her to try it on for her dad so he could see, but she didn't want to show him because she wanted it to be a surprise for him. Isn't that sweet?

From Under Construction:
[What you wear not only says a great deal about you, but it also influences you. The clothing and jewelry worn by the wealthy women of Israel revealed pride, moral looseness, and rebellion against God. That's why Isaiah pronounced severe judgment on them.]

[We are all image-bearers of God. We are not junk! As God's creatures we are responsible to Him. When we look like slobs, we deny the dignity of our personhood. When we dress modestly, we please our Lord and reflect His purity. Yes, what we wear says a lot. It has an impact on ourselves as well as other.]

O Lord, we would please You in all
that we do,
In word and in deed we would always
be true;
And may we reflect in our manner
and dress
Devotion to Jesus, whose name we
