Thimble Thoughts: Happy Birthday Daniel Harrison!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Happy Birthday Daniel Harrison!!

Today is Daniel Harrison's SIXTH birthday. I thought I would share some of his baby pictures with you. He had a rough start but as you can see he pulled through and is a happy healthy young man.

His very first pictures

Learning to use a pacifier....As if he HAD to be taught.

Bruce rubbing his little back.

This one is just too funny not to share.

His first laugh.

Joe Cool!

Bruce would pull him in the wagon until he went to sleep. He loved that.

His first sucker.

Harrison with his sister and brother. Aren't they sweet.

Playing with his toys.

His first Christmas.

Bruce playing the guitar for Harrison.

The results of his first chocolate chip cookie.

Left too long in the high chair.


Showing his teeth.

Left too long in the swing.

His first tricycle. Bruce would push him up and down the street, over and over and over......

His first horsey. He loved his horsey.

Happy Birthday, Baby Boy. We love you!!

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