Thimble Thoughts: Nothin' Much

Friday, January 04, 2008

Nothin' Much

I have nothing interesting to write about tonight. No pictures. No funny stories. OK, that's not entirely true. I do have one funny story, but I'm keeping it between me and the O'Malley family because it is kind of embarassing. Let's just say they're having a nice giggle at my expense right now. At least that's what Brother John O' said. I have always believed in making people laugh, but more times than none it's because I say or do something crazy. Well, O'Malley fam, take heart in the laughter. It doeth good like a medicine!

I love my ipod. I really do. Mrs. Janet downloaded some things of Dr. Curtis Hutson live for me on there and as I walked through the grocery store with the ipod carefully concealed in the front pocket of my skirt which was covered by my coat, I couldn't help but smile as I listened to his voice sing a song or give testimony. I laughed when people would look at me like I was crazy because I was smiling to myself or whispering a small "amen" under my breath. Do you ever wonder why God takes great men like that? I think it's because they're just so sweet to the Father's heart, He has to have them there with Him.

And then I found pleasure in listening to another man's testimony from the Concord Baptist Church where Brother Sammy Allen is the Pastor. Now, you must find the humor in this. He told the story of a woman who had always worn long dresses and skirts past her ankles. When she died, her children could only see her from the waist up in the casket and were concerned that they had taken her legs off. So to assure them that she was, in fact all there, they raised the bottom half of the casket and pulled her skirt up, revealing her ankles. The children left devastated in tears because up until that point, no one had ever seen their mother's legs. Bruce and I talked about how the children must have felt that they had desecrated their mother's memory by showing her legs. But then I thought of how I would have reacted and, although I would be in much grief, I would most likely leave in chortles and giggles.

At any rate, it was a testimony of this sweet Christian lady and how she never once wavered in her standards. And like Curtis Hutson, she too must have been sweet to the Father's heart.

I wonder how sweet I am to His heart?

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