Thimble Thoughts: December 14

Saturday, December 15, 2007

December 14

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While cleaning mom's house today, my sweetie pie called and asked if I wanted him to pick me up for lunch. Of course I said yes. We ran to the bank and then ate at the Chinese restaurant here in town. I enjoyed the food, but I really enjoyed just being with Bruce.

After lunch it was back to the reality of finishing mom's house.

When I was done cleaning, my mom and dad's dog wanted to go for a ride in the car. I would have ignored her, but she's got the biggest, brownest eyes that were saying, "Pleeeeeeeeeeease!" I couldn't resist. So I drove her up and down the road a couple of times and she was pretty happy. So happy that when I took her back home, Justin opened the front passanger door and Dolly jumped in the back. So he opened the back door and she jumped back in the front. So then he opened the front door and well, she jumped in my lap. Needless to say, Justin ended up having to pull her out. And she did NOT want to go. lol

I came home to pick up Hannah and Harrison and we went to visit my mother-in-law for a little bit and pick up some things she had there for us. After visiting for about an hour or so we went to gas up the car and then to Wal Mart. That place was crowded. After an hour and a half in there I was finally ready to go.

I took the kids to McDonald's. We ate in the car on the way home and after carrying in the groceries, Hannah and I cleaned up the kitchen a bit, only to mess it up while baking peanut butter blossoms. Which happens to be my favorite cookie.

The first batch was 35 cookies. However, Hannah and Bruce snuck about 10 of them to nibble on before I realized it. But that's what Christmas baking is all about, right?
