Thimble Thoughts: Mr. and Mrs. Adam Whitesides

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Whitesides

Justin, Hannah and I rose up bright and early this morning to go to mom and dad's. Mom hired this woman to help put up the Christmas tree, clean ceiling fans and fixtures, clean out her pantry, etc.

When I got there, daddy was still in bed. He has not gotten any better since his surgery. He is very sick, still vomiting frequently. They also believe he may have had a stroke that has affected his hearing and sight. He was up all night and mom thought we may have to take him back to the hospital this morning. Fortunately, we didn't need to do that. But I went into his room where he was just waking up from a few minutes of sleep. I sat down on the floor next to him in the dark, shut the door, and we just talked about lots of different things. It was a blessing having that little bit of time with him today.

Tonight we were able to be in attendance at Bruce's cousin's wedding. Adam married Jessica. What a handsome groom he was! And the beautiful bride was glowing from head to toe. I don't believe her smile faded the entire wedding and reception. As a matter of fact, I believe it continued to grow.

I think this was one of the prettiest weddings I've ever been to. Not to mention one of the sweetest.

I do have a few pictures, but haven't had time to download them due to the fact that my Amish Bread starter was ready to bake today.

I didn't have time to bake it today and ended up doing it tonight when we returned home from the wedding. I won't be home at all tomorrow until after the evening service, so unless I wake up very early tomorrow morn (HA) I won't have pictures up until, possibly Monday.

After morning service, we'll be having lunch at the Corriveau's home. We'll also be having Christmas play practice tomorrow. And every Sunday between now and the last Sunday before Christmas. Which I believe is the 23rd.

Well, my husband ate an entire loaf of my Amish Bread. OK, that sounds bad. Truth is, it was one of those little mini loafs. But he still ate the whole thing. Apparently, he liked it. This is Bruce's favorite time of year. You know, when all the baking starts. He's my official taste tester. :)

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