Thimble Thoughts: Amazing Grace Has Seen Him Home

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Amazing Grace Has Seen Him Home

There's nothing more sad than seeing one with a broken heart because of the death of a loved one. But there is something to be said about the Christian who has hope of seeing that loved one again. There was much hope at Uncle Joe's funeral today.

The choir came out singing Amazing Grace as the first song. Oh, how beautiful that song is! As I watched them singing, I couldn't help but smile watching Aunt Sylvia. She sang with her whole heart, as if she really believes in that amazing grace. Well, you know what? She does believe it. She has experienced it. And it was evident all over her face as she sang about it. Isn't that the way we all should sing? As though we believe it because we do believe it?

The Pastor read the words to Amazing Grace using Uncle Joe's name.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like Joe
Joe once was lost but now he is found
Joe was blind, but now he sees.

That touched me. Especially the last line. Uncle Joe was blind from his diabetes, but he's seeing in a whole new way now. Better than ever before. Can you imagine being blind for so long, not being able to see your wife, your children, your grandchildren. And then all of the sudden, you take your last breath and the first thing you see in the next life is the face of Christ? I can just imagine the smile that must have stretched across Uncle Joe's face as he looked into the eyes of his Lord.

As we stood by the grave, two United States Airmen folded the flag that draped the caskit. It was beautifully ceremonial. They were so sharp. And in the distance was the solemn sound of Taps. I couldn't help looking at those young men and thinking, WOW! Those are my boys! My Airmen!

My brother Larry's grave was just steps from Uncle Joe's, so when the graveside service was over, I walked down to his. It was sad to see no flowers or flag to indicate he was a veteran, serving in the United States Army. But I was glad that I was able to see his marker just the same.

As the children and I walked back toward the family, I noticed that my mother-in-law was losing it. "Losing what," you may ask. Well, she was losing her slip! What a way to lighten the mood at a funeral! By the time we got to her, the slip was draped around her feet. Did she step out of it quickly and cram it in her purse? NO! She says, "Oh, dear, I'm losing my slip!" And then she begins to pull it back on. When she realizes that she can't pull it back on modestly, she THEN decides to pull it back down, step out of it quickly, and cram it in her purse. Well, by this time the entire family, including Uncle Joe's wife Aunt Janette, is watching and bent over in laughter. Yes, it was definitely a hilarious moment. One we all won't soon forget.
