Thimble Thoughts: Wiped Out!!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Wiped Out!!!

This morning, the kids and I picked up Jeremy and ran to the church to pick up the van. Then we picked up Cassie and Clint and was going to pick up Crystal, but she wasn't able to make it. We went to the fellowship building to work on our RUSH decorations. I was really pleased with how things looked when we left. Jeremy, Justin, and Clint, along with Bruce, painted the giant eagle Bruce made while Cassie and I worked on the banner.

When lunch time came around, I whipped up some grilled cheese sandwiches for the kids and they must have enjoyed them because nothing was left.

We finished the mountain and the boys hung the eagle. All we have left to do is hang the gossamer from the ceiling, cover the wall with paper, hang the banner, make our T-shirts, clean the floor, and set up our tables. Good thing we have a loooooong workday tomorrow too. lol We worked for seven hours today and we're pretty well tired. Wiped out to be exact.

Cassie is spending the night with us tonight and she and Hannah are in the kitchen fixing their supper. I think they're going to bake some cookies later.

I have all the food squared away for our side of the fellowship building for Sunday night. Everything has been suggested and confirmed. So that's one worry off my mind.

Hannah's team is the Fishermen, so she's making a couple of dirt puddings in metal pails with gummy worms in it for their table. She's going to make a label for them that says "bait" or "fresh earth worms." Pretty cute idea, I think.

I have enjoyed working with some of the kids today. But I have to admit that I'm glad to see the day come to a close. In just about thirty minutes or so, I plan on asking Calgon to take me away for a little bit. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......first I must find some candles and my symphony CD. See ya later!
