Thimble Thoughts: I Only THOUGHT I Was Wiped Out Yesterday

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I Only THOUGHT I Was Wiped Out Yesterday

Bruce and I stayed up and chatted a little later than usual last night, but I was up and going on time just the same this morning. The kids and I made it to the church for workday at 10:00 AM, but the time had been changed to be there at 3:00 PM. Brother RJ announced that important piece of information at SIGMA Wednesday night, but I was probably talking or focussed on my score sheet or something because I missed it. It was OK though. We were able to get our display completed by mid-afternoon and just waited for Brother RJ and Mrs. Liz to show up so we could figure out how the tables were to be set up.

When everyone was gone, We helped Brother RJ and Mrs. Liz cover the tables with paper and set out more chairs. We were able to leave at 7:30 and we'll do those very last minute touches tomorrow afternoon between services.

I've taken several pictures and I'll take many more tomorrow. So you'll get to see our RUSH night pictures late Sunday night or most likely sometime Monday afternoon.

Right now I'm going to make my husband something to eat since he's been at work for 12 hours, pop it in the microwave for him and HIT....THE....SACK! Goodnight! Sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite!
