Thimble Thoughts: Parks, Toy Boxes, and Big Plans

Friday, June 08, 2007

Parks, Toy Boxes, and Big Plans

I took the kids to the park to eat lunch with another family from our church yesterday. It was SO hot!

Harrison was glad the YMCA had the mist going.

Bruce worked some more on the toy box for brother RJ and Mrs. Liz.

Fitting the brace~

Measuring angles~

Stopping to play "air guitar"~
Checking for even corners~
Harrison was watching intently as his daddy worked on the toy box. I wondered why he was so interested, considering he never paid much attention to his dad when he worked in his shop. Then he revealed the reason for his sudden interest.
"Mom, is dad almost finished with the toy box?"
"Yep. He should be finished with it by the middle of next week."
A couple of minutes passed, then, "Mom?"
"What is is sweethear?"
"Can I draw my dresser now?"
Ah ha! The dresser! Remember the deal he made with his dad?
"Of course you can!"
"I'll be back in a minute!" And to the house he ran.
He came back with this.......
Of course Bruce looked at Harrison's drawing and made out like this was official business. He asked him how high, how wide, and was he sure he wanted six drawers.
Harrison was pleased to know that his dad took an interest in his desire and that it won't be long before he starts on his new dresser.

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