Thimble Thoughts: A Funny Story About My Husband......

Monday, June 04, 2007

A Funny Story About My Husband......

I've been cleaning out the boy's closet and dressers today. Not to mention the toy boxes and book shelves.

Well, all three of my children have used the same dresser that my mom and dad bought me when I was a baby. It's been a great dresser, however, my youngest has outgrown the tiny dresser and really needs a bigger one.

So, Bruce comes in to take a look at my progress and I mentioned that a new dresser is overdo for the little guy. Right then and there he says, "I just saw one for sale in the Farmer's Furniture flyer. I'll go get it." Bruce is NOT an impulse buyer, but off he went. He was gone about thirty minutes or so and came back with a very nice dresser. I loved the color, the style, etc. One problem.....and this is the funny's SMALLER than the one Harrison has now.

Needless to say, we boxed it back up and he's taking it back tomorrow to find another one.

CORRECTION: WE are taking it back to find another one. :)

Aren't hubbies with good intentions just the best?

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