Thimble Thoughts: Mother's Day Lunch and Last Night of Patch/SIGMA

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Mother's Day Lunch and Last Night of Patch/SIGMA

Yesterday my mother called and invited me to lunch at the Cup and Saucer Tea Room, which is inside the Historic Harmon House. Mom was working so I went early to get a table. They're only open for a couple of hours for lunch and they fill up quickly. While I waited for mother to arrive, I was pleasantly surprised to see Mrs. Janet (church secretary) walk in. She was surprised to see me too. Mom had called us both and wanted to treat us to lunch for Mother's Day. Wasn't that nice?

Mom was glad to know they were serving her favorite, the spring special, which consists of their homemade chicken salad scooped into the center of a cantaloupe on a bed of lettuce with a side of pasta salad. Mrs. Janet and I ordered the Rhett's Chicken Wrap with broccoli and cheese soup. It was so good. Thanks, Mom. That was very sweet of you. We had a wonderful time.

Tonight was our last night of Patch the Pirate and SIGMA for the year. Harrison's Patch class, along with the Pee Wees got up to sing. L to R, Malachi, Celine, Blake, Kayson, and Julie. That's Mrs. Teresa in the back there.

Harrison, Mary Elizabeth, Hannah, and Laurel. That's Mrs. Brenda in the back. She's one of Harrison's Patch teachers.

The whole group here. The two other adults, L to R, is Mrs. Pam and Mrs. Wendy.

After Brother RJ preached to the youth group, we took them to the gym for some free time. The boys played basketball while the girls sat around and talked. Some of the kids played a game or two of pool.

Brother RJ read over some surveys he wanted us to fill out...

And Josh did what he does best....slept! For Christmas this year, I'm getting him a bottle of vitamins.

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