Thimble Thoughts: Lots Of Pictures From Our Family Day

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Lots Of Pictures From Our Family Day

Bruce and I decided we were going to have a family fun day today. We picked Justin up from a friend's home that he had spent the night with and headed out to Chuck E Cheese. I'm signed up to receive their coupons, so we got a good deal on lunch and tokens. YAY! We played a few games while we waited for our pizza.



Hannah and Harrison played air hokey together. I believe the final score was 7 to 4 in favor of Harrison.



This was kind of funny...Harrison was saying he didn't want to ride the clock because it was a baby ride. But he couldn't take it any longer and I found him riding it. LOL

Hannah cashing in her game tickets....I believe her final count was 99. With that, she was able to get a little vile of bubbles, one tootsie roll, and a little bitty top. I would have to estimate their total value of MAYBE $ .50. LOL

After we left Chuck E Cheese, we made our way to the Schiele Museum. We've been several times, but it's always fun to go again.

Of course we had to get a picture under the dinosaur bones for Harrison.

This was a display remembering the life of R M Schiele, founder of the museum.

Here we were learning to identify and discovering the names of different plants and flowers in our region.

Ewww....a bat cave.

An owl
Who? Who?
I said, an owl!

Harrison said, "This is the biggest goat I've ever seen!!" :)

I just spoke with my cousin, who lives in Alaska, a few days ago and she mentioned all the moose she sees there. So I immediately thought of her when we happened upon this one.

Red Wolf

Hannah liked this display

This is the closest you'll ever see me to a bear!!

The museum had a hands on aquarium where you could touch the fish, crabs, etc. The kids loved that.

A pretty peacock

Bruce bought us tickets for the Planetarium showing. The children had never been and since Justin has always liked reading and learning about space, I knew he, especially, would enjoy this. And he did. The pictures we saw during the presentation were taken from the Hubble.

These are the seats we sat in. I know you're wondering why I would take pictures of these seats, but Bruce's dad died several years ago, and before his death, he owned his own company. He installed school furniture all over the state of South Carolina mostly. Such as counters,
cabinets, and auditorium seating. But there were other jobs he would do too. These seats were one of those jobs. He installed all the seats here in this planetarium. I thought that was neat. If you've ever been to the Charlotte Lowe's Motor Speedway, he installed many of those seats too.



Forming star

Some of the pictures we saw were absolutely breathtaking, like this one.

This was my favorite. This is a star spiraling so fast that it creates a black hole, which causes so much gravity, anything that enters will be gone forever. It sounds scary, but isn't it just beautiful?

This is Hubble

Harrison fell asleep....I suppose it was the darkness, the mystical music, and the fact that the child can NOT sit still for more than five minutes before his body goes on "stand-by."

This was a fun room on American Indians. It was an interactive room for children where they had different activities and everything was hands on. The children were making a little suitcase of sorts, like the Indians would make to carry small items. These were made of paper, however, the Indians made theirs of small animal skins, of course.

Harrison on a horse with a giant hornets nest above his head.

Here he is in a teepee. They also had Indian clothes to play in and he did that, but my batteries went dead and I couldn't find my other ones to get his picture.

After finally finding my batteries, we walked the museum's nature trail. That was fun. Here's Justin petting a small cow. He seemed to really enjoy it when I scratched around his ears. It was very friendly to Justin and wanted him to stick around for a while. He was mooing at Justin as we walked away.

Here's Bruce petting the piggies. They were cute, but I'll admit I was a little scared of 'em. LOL I did give him a little pet though.

An old farm house on the nature trail

A funny sheep...he was very curious. Almost very stuck up. LOL

Walking one of the trails

The old mill

Pretty flowers

Hannah by the creek

We took our time today and enjoyed every moment spent together as a family. We've faced a great deal in the last couple of months and there have been some things we've been praying about and in all honesty, just needed a day to breathe as a family and forget about some things. LOL We were certainly able to do that today.

There was one mishap at the museum involving me. If it CAN happen, it WILL happen, to either Justin or me. LOL The weather has been very overcast and rainy the last couple of days. The Lord allowed the rains to stop while we were enjoying our time outside. However, one of the bridges on the nature trail had a great deal of algae build up and was very slippery from all the rain. I was taking my time, but without any notice my feet slipped out from under me and down I went.....flat on my back. My bad ankle, lower back, and hips are killing me. I think I'm just bruised up...but a little prayer before you go to bed would be much appreciated. :) Oh, and the fall broke my camera. Boo hoo. I think I might still be able to use it. I don't know. We'll have to wait and see. I have to recharge my batteries.

We stopped for Chinese take out and finished up the evening in our home. It was a wonderfully good day!! With GREAT news when we got home!!!!! I can't share that at this time....but stay tuned....I'll share as soon as I can.

ETA: My batteries have been charged and the camera is still functional. YAY!
