Thimble Thoughts: Going To See The Queen...The Dairy Queen, That Is

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Going To See The Queen...The Dairy Queen, That Is

Saturday, for Bus Ministry, we decided to leave up the decorations from the Mother Daughter Banquet. The large balloons that graced the tables were given to some of the older boys before they went home that day. I guess you could say the balloons were consolation prizes for what would take place after bus ministry....I'll explain in a minute.

I told you we were doing the miracles of Jesus in Bus Ministry. This week is on the lame man that waited by the pool of Bethesda to be healed when the angel came to trouble the waters. But he could never make it to the waters to be the first one in because he had noone to help him.

Brother John is definitely no angel, but here he is troubling the waters.....
Jaren D (I usually always spell his name wrong, please, SD, forgive me if I have) beat the lame man to the pool. The lame man was portrayed by Justin D.
A little blind girl also beat the lame man to the pool. During the time they were acting all of this out, it brought tears to mine and SD's eyes. It was really touching to watch this blind girl be healed and run to tell her mother.
Finally, Jesus came by, told the man to take up his bed and walk,
and so he did.
I think the kids really like it when the story is acted out. They seem to really be able to retain what they're being taught. And that's the important part, right?
I mentioned a consolation prize for the boys of the bus ministry because Saturday was the day that all the girls from the bus ministry were taken to Dairy Queen.
The bus was loaded and here they are pulling in. Woo Hoo!!
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Waiting patiently in the makes the ice cream taste so much better.
Yum-o-yum~this was the quietest they had been all day!!!

Even Mrs. Pam got in on the cooling action!
She had trouble getting the ice cream from her cup to her mouth. LOL Bless her heart.

So that was our Saturday. The ice cream was tasty and we had a good time with the girls.
Today, I took the boys to their dentist appointment. Before we left, the receptionist gave us this lovely plant and said we were chosen to be their patient of the week. Wasn't that sweet?
