Thimble Thoughts: My Monday Musings

Monday, May 07, 2007

My Monday Musings

Today I was able to take a girl on our SIGMA team out to lunch. She was excited because she had just been hired for her first job. She'll be working for Chick-fil-A. I asked her if she would be able to make some deals for friends.....strangely enough she just laughed.

After lunch I drove her over to Wal Mart where we met her mother, saw many other people from our church, my sister-in-law, and Bruce's Aunt. Today was definitely a Wal Mart day for everyone we know.

I exchanged a skirt for Hannah, picked up the kids, and drove to daddy's because mom had a big bag of meat for us.

Daddy just bought a new John Deere lawn mower, so of course, we took a picture of Justin on it.

And since daddy has the new mower, he gave his old one to Justin. Justin was happy....NO PUSHING THIS SUMMER!! YAY!!

And when Harrison saw the camera come out, he wanted a picture of himself on Paw Paw's new mower too.

The meat mom had for us included some steaks. So we stopped at the store for some steak rub and Justin fired up the grill when we got home. We threw some chicken on there too since Harrison doesn't like red meats. This was Justin's first time as the grill chef and I have to say he did a most excellent job. The steaks were tender and juicy and just right.

Thanks, Justin.....GOOD JOB!

Hannah helped me in the kitchen preparing the rest of supper. I told her to put some eggs on to boil for deviled eggs. She said, "How many? Ten?" Naturally I thought she meant ten deviled know......five eggs? She meant ten eggs. So we had a slew of deviled eggs tonight. Not to worry, though, Bruce loves deviled eggs and his reply to this mistake was, "Better to have too much than not enough."

When we first joined Faith, we immediately took notice of the O'Malley family. Pastor refers to Brother John O'Malley as a Pastor to the Pastor.

He and his wife, Mrs. Kim, are probably the most humble people we know. They have a heart to serve the Lord in a great capacity.

Their son, John IX, is on our SIGMA team and we love him bunches too!

Please take time to read about them and read Brother John's blog, which you can get to by clicking here.

That was my was yours?

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