Thimble Thoughts: Going To Pigeon Forge

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Going To Pigeon Forge

Bruce and I are leaving for Pigeon Forge today. We're excited about that. He took vacation this weekend and we'll be going on a couple's retreat. We're leaving a day early for our anniversary. I'm taking my computer with me so maybe I'll be able to post something there. If not, I'll "see" you all late Saturday or Monday.

We found out that there will be two parades while we're there. One on Friday night in downtown Pigeon Forge and the other on Saturday morning in Severiville, which is just the next town over. I hope we can see at least one of those. I enjoy parades.

Anyway, I have a lot to do today before we leave. I wanted to get my grocery shopping done this morning so I wouldn't have to worry about it when we got back and I need to drop my children off with their grandparents and the dog at my Mother-in-law's. Justin is going to help my parents bring in their Christmas tree from storage and put it up for them. Then they will all decorate it. Justin had practice putting our tree up the other day so I'm sure he'll be able to get theirs up.

Well, I'm gone, peoples! If I don't post later today or tomorrow, I hope you all have a great weekend!! I'm going to. :)

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