Thimble Thoughts: Thanksgiving Dinner For Bus Kids

Monday, November 20, 2006

Thanksgiving Dinner For Bus Kids

The Thanksgiving dinner for our bus ministry was wonderful. The children ate like there was no tomorrow and it was a blessing seeing the fun they had and being a part of such a great day.

When Hannah got there, she immediately went to the kitchen with her apron that Mrs. Weathers made for her and began to help in preparing the food. The little boy with her is Jordan. He is the son of our church secretary and helped he too.
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We started the morning as usual with singing and puppets.
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Brother Daniel was in the puppet skit and did a great job.
Hannah was "Febie" and Justin was "Andrew."
Thanks, Brother Daniel, for being a willing participant!
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Hannah played the piano for the bus kids to practice their
song for the Christmas program they'll be doing at the morning
service Dec. 3rd.
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We split up in our classes and after class, the children were
given the opportunity to turkey bowl. Harrison bowled a strike
his first time and then bowled down three his second time.
Whoever bowled the most points won a giant jar of candy. I
believe our class was up for the skittles. You can see the jars on
the puppet stage.
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Here was part of our class lined up to give their names to Hannah
for their bowling order. But order never happened. LOL
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Here are the children enjoying their turkey dinner. We had
turkey, dressing with gravy, green beans, corn on the cob
cranberry sauce, yams, deviled eggs, rolls and desserts.
They enjoyed it so much.
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Here's Harrison sneaking some of the dessert I made. Chocolate
Eclaire cake. Yum! He wasn't really sneaking because I gave it to
him, but he was supposed to be with his class. LOL

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Here are some of the workers enjoying a bite or two.....
or three....LOL It was very good.
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After bus ministry was over, I took my mom a chicken pie that Mrs. Janet made for her and sat with her while daddy ran an errand. I was going to go on a trip with SIGMA to a soccer game, but didn't make it back in time to go so I ended up going to the Sunday school Christmas party at Brother Joel and Sis Pam's house. We had the best barbecue I have ever eaten. Being in the south, barbecue is a specialty. And this was definitely the best I've ever had. We had a good time of fellowship. It was a terrific day.

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