Thimble Thoughts: Our Memorial Day Weekend

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Our Memorial Day Weekend

We had a very nice Memorial Day weekend.

It started out by welcoming Celine's little sister into the world. She was born Thursday evening and we saw her for the first time Saturday afternoon. She is so cute. She looks just like Celine. I was going to post a picture of her, but I think it's too soon for that. Maybe later if her parents give the OK on it. But just take my word for it, she's a cutie pie!

We left the hospital and went to my mother-in-law's home for a cookout with hamburgers, hotdogs, and all the fixins. Bruce's Aunt Sue, his brother, Barry, and his sons were there. The kids were able to play with their cousins and the adults just sat around telling stories and laughing. As usual, it was a really good time.

Here is a picture of Bruce getting ready to cook the burgers and dogs. And the only thing smoking in this picture is the grill. Bruce has a sucker in his mouth.

Marie being thankful that her son is there to do the cookin!

Aunt Sue fussing at me for taking her picture. HA! Gotcha!


Zach, Barry's oldest son

Justin doing his impression of George W.

After our cookout, Celine's Daddy, Chris, dropped her off to spend the night with us since her Mommy had to stay another night in the hospital. It was really hard on Celine, being shuffled between Grandparents and us. Bless her heart. She wanted to be with her family so bad. But she went to church with us Sunday morn and came home with us for lunch and then I took her home. She was so excited to be home with her family. They were all glad to be together. It was really sweet.

Sunday morning service was really good. Bruce was in the honor guard and carried the American Flag. He looked sharp! After the pledges were said, My dad played taps on his trumpet and Justin stood in the back of the church and echoed him. It was so beautiful and solemn, I cried. I couldn't help but think of all our men and women, boys and girls, fighting in this war and those that have fought in other wars. We honored those that are serving now, those that have served in the past and remembered those who died in war. It was a very sweet service. Of course, we had some old time preachin too!

Sunday night after service, we went to the Rohrer's home for chicken fritters, fries, cheese sticks, ice cream, and of course...MARBLES! The ladies won....Ha!

Monday we just loafed around all day. We went to the Howell's home and picked up the treadmill I bought from them. When we brought it home, we all took our turn on it. Even Harrison. I'll write more about the treadmill later. But the day was very relaxing and very lazy. We did nothing all day. No phones, no work, no nothin! I thought maybe we would go to the Battleground, but we just never made it there. Bruce did work on a Sunday School lesson he is supposed to teach Sunday. Our SS teacher is going to Colorado to visit his parents for a couple of weeks and asked Bruce to take the class. He's never done anything like that before and is nervous, but I think he'll survive. Anyway, it was a very nice day and we enjoyed just having family time.

Justin on the treadmill

Hannah on the treadmill
