Thimble Thoughts: Bible Question

Friday, February 24, 2006

Bible Question

Well, nothing fantastic happened today. I got my hair cut and it looks and feels much better. I had lunch with my husband and then we picked up our tax papers and watched a video with our kids. After watching this video we went to my parent's home for burgers and UNO. That was fun. Now we're watching the Olympics.

Speaking of the Olympics.....I've heard a lot of people saying that they refuse to watch the Olympics for "political" reasons and others who have said they haven't missed a night of watching. What about you? Have you watched and why or why not? Tell me what you think of the Olympics.

I also have a Biblical question that might be fun to see your comments on. You know in the Garden of Eden when the serpent tempted Eve to eat the fruit and she did? Well, we all know the story from there, now don't we? So I was thinking today that it was Satan who tempted Eve. And when it was all over, God told the serpent that from that day forward he would crawl on his belly. So that leads us to believe that the snake had other means of getting around, BUT......If Satan tempted Eve, then why did God punish the serpent? What do you think?
