Thimble Thoughts: Daddy

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


(daddy's innards)

Some of you already know this, but daddy had his stent procedure yesterday to hopefully repair the bile duct. There was so much scar tissue build up from his surgery in August that they could not insert the stent. We waited for the original surgeon to finish up another surgery and call us, hoping they would be able to take him on in and do the surgery he's really been needing for the last several months. But when she called, she said her schedule was booked and the earliest time we could get him in for this would be Tuesday of next week.

Bless his heart, he's absolutely miserable from the itching and there are times he becomes chilled and so sick with vomitting. He just wants to feel good again.

On a lighter side, he hasn't lost his sense of humor. It keeps him going and us on our toes. You NEVER know what the man is going to say or do in public. Going out with him is like playing Russion Roulette with your humility, if you know what I mean. But it's good to hear him crack a joke and make someone else laugh.

While we were in the hospital, I was looking at both of my parents features wondering who I resembled more. I just couldn't decide so I thought a blog post allowing you to decide who I look like would be fun. So, below are pictures of me and my parents. You tell me...who do I look more like?
Ha!....did you really think I was serious?
When we got daddy home from the hospital, he was so thirsty for a soda, but there was none in the house. He also needed his car inspected, which was due back in January. They hadn't realized that until they received a letter from the state being reminded to take care of that soon or face a penalty. SO! Without further delay, I took daddy with me to get the car inspected, leaving mother behind to take care of some business at home. He was still very groggy and wabbled into the station, tripping over a few things, even his own feet. But he made it to the waiting area and he sat there in his jammers (lol). Aren't I terrible monopolizing on his "innards" and jammer pictures? Just for the record, I did have permission.

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