Thimble Thoughts: The Sweetness of the Lord ~~~ Reba Bowman

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Sweetness of the Lord ~~~ Reba Bowman

Our first speaker for the conference was Reba Bowman. If you Pastor's wives are ever looking for a wonderful speaker, here she is! She was funny and inspirational. She was an excellent speaker and the Lord used her to speak to my heart and many others. She was a blessing. Here are my notes from that session.

Do you enjoy your life? If not, what will it take to enjoy your life?

There will be times to laugh and cry in our lives. When the trials come, the Lord will do one of two things. He will either knock the trial out of the way, or He will walk us through it. Either way, we can enjoy life knowing and resting that He is in control. If we trust Him, He will show us that He is, I AM!

The trials we go through in life are things He uses to help us grow and beautify us. Everything is beautiful in His time. He is still faithful and good. Life is a gift. Enjoy it! Heaven will be a wonderful place, but don't walk around in the doom and gloom until you get there. Enjoy life now. Show others that you can enjoy life with Christ. Faith will change your walk and attitude and maybe take smoeone to Heaven with you. Life is hard.....but God is GOOD!

Be occupied with enjoying life. Don't live in the past or dread the future. The past is the past and God is already in the future. To enjoy your life, you must enjoy the Father. Your sweet time comes from time spent with Him in His word and in prayer. When we enjoy our life with Him, we honor Him.

He doesn't always give us what we want, but he ALWAYS gives us what we need. So stop griping about what you don't have and rejoice over the things you do have!

Do you have a distorted view of God? The prodigal son viewed his father as a law giver. But instead returned to a father full of grace and mercy. The eldest viewed his father as performance based. He felt he had to earn or win the fellowship of his father. How do you view your Heavenly Father? Do you view Him full of grace and mercy or are you constantly trying to earn and win His fellowship. He is not performance based. He loves us unconditionally. We can not earn or win His fellowship. All we have to do is seek it out. When we do that, His love pours out of our life. And when His love pours out of our life, that is when life is sweet.

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